Friday, April 24, 2009

Israel guilty of "bloody, brutal and systematic annexation of land, destruction of homes and the deliberate creation of an apartheid system."

Independent Member of Parliament (MP) Claire Short, a former Labor MP and government minister, is one of many who support boycott against Apartheid Israel:

"Mashaal to address British parliament"

In the "Jerusalem Post", April 22, 2009, at:

...In a 2007 article in the Irish Times, Short condemned Israel as being guilty of "bloody, brutal and systematic annexation of land, destruction of homes and the deliberate creation of an apartheid system."

She also said that Britain and the European Union were "colluding in this operation and the building of a new apartheid regime" because they gave Israel preferential trade access.

Short supports a boycott of Israel, saying at a 2007 UN conference that a boycott had worked for South Africa and that Israel was "much worse than the original apartheid state."

In 2005, Short said US backing for "Israeli policies of expansion of the Israeli state and oppression of the Palestinian people" was the major cause of bitter division and violence in the world.
