Wednesday, March 4, 2015

University of Toledo divestment resolution against Israeli Apartheid -

A landslide victory is reported on March 4, 2015

"Toledo student government passes first BDS resolution in Ohio"

March 4, 2015


"The University of Toledo student government passed a divestment resolution during an open forum meeting March 3. This is the first divestment resolution that has been passed by a university student government in Ohio....

"...Undergraduate students at The Ohio State University in Columbus will have the chance to vote on a similar divestment resolution during student government elections March 9 to 11. Moses expressed worry that the vote at UT may set a precedent for other universities.

" 'I think the vote now gives other Ohio colleges and their SJP groups the courage to come out and start their boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns,' she said. 'I unfortunately think we might start seeing a bigger trend.' "


"Divestment passes:
"Resolution gains majority vote, campaign continues"

Independent Collegian (At University of Toledo; Ohio)
March 4, 2015


"Shouts of joy and excitement erupted from the supporters of the divestment resolution as it passed in an overwhelming majority vote of 21-4 during the weekly University of Toledo Student Government meeting.

"At the start of the meeting, 94 attendees were present, not including the 27 senators and 7 SJC members in attendance...

"...Derek Ide, SJP steering committee member, said Israel is not being singled out by the resolution.

" 'It is not us [SJP] who singles out Israel. It is Hillel and AIPAC and every other defender of Israeli crimes who wants Israel to maintain a special status, a status that places them above international law and unaccountable to the norms and standards of justice.' ” 


Earlier US divestment victories:

US Student Victories in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement


2003 - Wayne State University (divestment)
2005 - University of Michigan - Dearborn (divestment) (again in 2010)
2009 - Hampshire College (divestment)*
2010 - UC Berkeley (divestment receives majority vote, but is vetoed)
2011 - DePaul University (Sabra boycott)
2012 - Earlham College (Sabra boycott)
2012 - Evergreen State College (product boycott)
2012 - Arizona State University (divestment)
2012 - National MEChA endorsement of BDS (divestment)
2012 - University of Massachusetts – Boston (divestment)
2013 - UC Irvine (divestment)
2013 - UC San Diego (divestment)
2013 - UC Berkeley (divestment)
2013 - Oberlin college (divestment)
2014 - Loyola University at Chicago (divestment)
2014 - UC Riverside (divestment)
2014 - University of New Mexico Graduate and Professional Student Association (divestment)
2014 - DePaul University (divestment referendum)
2014 - University of California, Santa Cruz (divestment - later striken)
2014 - University of California, Los Angeles (divestment)
2014 - University of California Graduate Union (UAW 2865) (full BDS referendum)
2015 - UC Davis (divestment)
2015 - UC Student Association (divestment)
2015 - Stanford University (divestment)
2015 - Northwestern University (divestment)

(This list is likely missing some victories prior to 2012.)
*Hampshire’s divestment has been implemented. Other successes on this list represent votes calling for university divestment. 
