Thursday, January 29, 2009

"With a large stockpile of nuclear weapons and an apparent willingness to unleash appalling violence... Israel remains the most serious threat..."


"Israeli aggression, not its peril, is issue"

by Jon Debling | Saline

Thursday January 29, 2009, 10:38 AM

ANN ARBOR NEWS (Ann Arbor, Michigan)

On the Web at:

"The massacre in Gaza should firmly put an end to the myth that Israel is a helpless nation desperately fighting to survive among hostile neighbors. Rather, the scale of the onslaught against the Palestinians and their utter inability to defend themselves is proof that Hamas has never been a real threat to the existence of Israel.

"Furthermore, the lack of any response, military or political, from any surrounding Arab country, demonstrates that Israel remains a regional superpower with nothing to fear except hollow threats from impotent leaders.

"However, the intensity of the attacks on Gaza, and previously in Lebanon, does reveal a cruel and sadistic side to Israel and questions the wisdom of permitting it to retain a powerful military.

"It seems clear that the most pressing issue for the international community to contend with is how to defend and protect the Palestinians in Gaza against future Israeli violence. The second prudent step would be containing Israel's military capability by restricting weapon sales to provide a more equitable balance of power in the region.

"Finally, intense action to eliminate Israel's nuclear weaponry is critical to maintaining stability in the Middle East. With a large stockpile of nuclear weapons and an apparent willingness to unleash appalling violence on its neighbors, Israel remains the most serious threat to peace in the region."
